Silvia and Francisco, the Owners
The Owners are a couple that has been married for over 19 years, composed by a beautiful Colombian and a “Gringo” Chilean, who live all year in the Lodge. We are both Defenders of the Rights of Nature and of the Indigenous Peoples, in other words, we make a sustainable cultural tourism in defense of the ecology, the native peoples and a close contact with nature. We have a vast experience in sustainable ecological tourism.
Silvia was a well-known and respected fashion designer in the world and Francisco a person related to the financial world for more than 23 years, became General Manager of important financial institutions in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia.
13 years ago both of us decided to leave the “Western World Accommodations” and to dedicate ourselves to learn from the Native Peoples how to live and enjoy the small things we have and, in turn, to help them in any way we can with projects and advice.
Anaconda Lodge Ecuador is not a Company for the purpose of Profit, we are an Institution that the only thing that wants is that there is Equality in this Society so come to less.