Committed to the community
On Friday November 18, the group of workers and I left the lodge to do community work. We went to Ahuano, to work for our Parish. San Francisco Javier Church needs help from all the parishioners; maintenance, painting and cleaning gardens are the tasks to do.
We were very excited about this project, our goal is to put a grain of sand for the recovery of the building and also to set an example for others to join to restore and maintain the Church that it´s ours.
This is our first visit and our purpose is to do it once a month, so that little by little we giving another look to the Church and the most important thing that people can feel the church like their own. The most important task over time is to repair the roof so that no water leaks, but for the moment and resources we have at hand, the task will focus on is in the interior painting, for later with larger jobs.
After having finished the day, we went as a group to share a delicious lunch in a small restaurant in the village, we felt so happy with the job we made.
On Sunday, after the celebration of the Holy Mass, the faithful were informed of this work and invited to join the project of restoration of the Church and gardens.